One membership that helps you solve issues, gain support and build policy campaigns.
Clarify your message fast. Use time tested elements of great story telling to make your issue rise to the top.
Build a campaign and share your ideas in a compelling and effective manner.
We help you find the issues you care about and match you up with the right people to move your cause forward.
Because if you've got the wrong people on board, nothing is going to change.
Once your team commits to policy success, your legislative productivity will skyrocket.
Imagine what you could do when thousands of other people agree with and support you.
In this course, you will learn how to introduce your idea, attract a following and properly build out your campaign.
In this course, learn what it will take for your campaign to succeed online and with government officials.
This scoring and rating system helps determine whether your solution has the best effectiveness and qualities to make it online and in congress.
This course will help you understand the basics on where to begin and how to use
This course shows you small ways to improve your campaign and overall effectiveness.
How To Change A Law offers insight, actionable tools, and strategies that will help you improve your community, influence your leaders and impact the world.
"I have been deeply interested in politics and the political process my entire life, but it never even occurred to me that an average citizen could have any influence on the laws."
"You can make a difference in your community. With this book you can actually create laws in your city, county or state. If you see things that need to change, buy this book and make it happen."
"How to Change a Law provides step-by-step, insider knowledge about how to enact or amend a statute. Everyone is frustrated with the level of inaction in Congress and our state legislatures. Now you can do something about it."